Premier Rendering Services in Sydney

At CLP Rendering, we offer superior quality rendering services across Sydney, with special expertise in acrylic rendering, cement rendering, and texture coatings. Our fully insured team consists of highly seasoned renderers, dedicated to customer satisfaction and delivering exceptional workmanship.

Should you require rendering services for residential, commercial, or industrial properties, reach out to us today. Our professional service team will evaluate your requirements and provide you with a precise quote.

Why Opt For CLP Rendering Services?

Our team takes immense pride in the work and projects we’ve completed so far. We continue to deliver high-quality work, constantly enhancing our skills and integrating any advancements made in the construction industry into our work. We understand that progress and evolution are key to our trade, which we wholeheartedly embrace. With our expertise and experience, we are equipped to deliver rendering services of the same high quality workmanship and highest caliber.

Master Renderers

CLP Rendering offers comprehensive rendering services to individual domestic and residential properties as well as large commercial and industrial buildings.

Our rendering service not only provides weatherproofing but also improves aesthetics, offering a full rendering job and broad range of textured finishes and decorative application styles.

Moreover, opting for the best rendering services can be a sound investment as it significantly enhances the appearance of your property, thereby boosting its market value.

Our team of seasoned Sydney renderers is specialized in applying protective materials, wall renders and paints for all types of residential and commercial projects.

Top-Quality Tools

At CLP Rendering, we boast a team of proficient and qualified renderers possessing the necessary knowledge and experience to provide efficient and quality rendering to your property or business. For more than a decade, we've been providing top-notch rendering services to homes and businesses throughout Greater Sydney, New South Wales.

Our renderers pride themselves on undertaking large and demanding projects, consistently delivering first-rate rendering services to our clientele. They are professionally trained following the same rigorous programs as our exterior painters in Sydney, ensuring they can deliver outstanding results.

For more details on any of the services offered by CLP Rendering or for a free no-obligation quote and rendering project, please drop us an email or contact us today.

Our Service Process

Step 1

Book in for a quote and our team will schedule a time to visit your location and assess the job.

Step 1
Step 2

We carry out a comprehensive on-site assessment, establishing the scope and working out what we’ll need to get the job done.

Step 2
Step 3

We’ll then provide you with a quote for the job tailored to your needs.

Step 3
Step 4

Finally, we carry out the work, on time and to a high standard. Every job finishes with a final inspection to ensure quality workmanship.

Step 4

Sydney Rendering Services

CLP offers complete rendering service from the project start to finish, we can provide you with a free quote and colour consultation

Cement Rendering

Our team apply cement render to surfaces to achieve a smooth finish. If you're looking for concrete rendering or cement rendering services Sydney, discuss your needs with our team today.

Acrylic Rendering

Acrylic render is a type of render that uses acrylic in the mix, making it more flexible than traditional render. It's a popular choice for renderers in Sydney because it's durable and has a range of finishes. Ask about our acrylic rendering Sydney services today.

Texture Rendering

Texture rendering is a great way to add interest and dimension to your property. It adds a textured coating to your walls that can then be painted over for stunning effects. Our renderers can create a range of textures, from fine to coarse.


Rendering refers to the method of applying a layer of material over a wall’s surface to yield a smooth, uniform finish. It not only enhances your property’s aesthetic appeal but also shields it from various weather elements. Moreover, rendering creates an excellent base for a paint layer, aiding in its adherence and maintaining the paint’s stunning look for many years.

The time taken to render a property depends on the property’s size and the number of coats required. Our team of renderers is highly proficient and swift, guaranteeing that your property will be rendered flawlessly in the shortest possible time. While no job is too large for our team, it’s understood that larger projects may take more time to complete.

Our team can tackle any rendering task, be it exterior render, commercial rendering, rendering for external or internal brick walls, interior walls, exterior walls, or any other type. We’re equipped to handle both large and small rendering jobs.

Rendering is an excellent means to enhance your property’s appearance and safeguard it from environmental elements. A high-quality rendering job increases your property’s value and makes it more attractive to potential buyers.

We extend our rendering services throughout Greater Sydney and along the east coast of New South Wales. If you’re unsure about whether your location falls within our service range, feel free to reach out to us! Our team will be happy to assist you.